Wednesday, June 29, 2011

It's been a long time

Here I am almost or maybe over 2 months since I have been here. I have don't a lot but I have just been either too tired ot lazy to post. In the last couple of months I have gone to the Pirates premiere at Disneyland, met a bunch of great people, and much more. But I feel as though the time has past to write about those things here. It was fun and I have learned more about myself.

Over the past week I have started training myself for the Disney half marathon. I am so out of shape! I am walking some mountain trail near by to help my body get use to going up hill. Running has always been my weakest point... I prefer swimming.

Also this weekend I am so excited about AM2 convention in the Anaheim convention center! I am most excited about meeting Yamashita-san, who is a animation director for Studio Ghibli! Growing up watching Ghibli films it has to be the most anticipated panel for myself! And I am also excited about watching some j-rock bands perform too! I hope to post during the weekend with things I am doing at the convention.

Than in a few weeks I will be heading off to comic con!!!! Super excited about this! These few weeks they have been announcing panels and who is going. I am very excited about terra nova, and just being in the gaslamp district! I may not be able to go to the terra nova though... Because I will probably be in hall h.

Overall I am super excited about what I will be doing this month! And I will continue posting here! :)

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