Monday, January 10, 2011

My First Post

Why did I start this blog?
Simply because i need to practice in writing. And my new year resolution is to update this blog at least Monday-Thursday, and sometimes Friday. Also i will like to write about my daily activities and my thoughts on things that come to my mind. On mondays i will also write about my past weekend. Sometimes my life is interesting and other times it is plain boring.

Lastly, I am not the greatest writer but i hope to improve and be able to become a decent writer by writing on this blog weekly.

My first Day Back in School

Today i am in school... I had a really great winter break. I was able to hang out with people i have not seen for a very long time. Also was able to try some food off food trucks on First Friday at Speedzone in City of Industry.

As the first day in school, i have yet to be able to do much because i need to buy books. I sometimes wish that books could be free, it is really expensive to buy books every semester. I like how some classes the teachers have the whole book online and as a student you can print it out.

Today I am taking a ballet class. I watched Black Swan about two weeks ago, and Natalie Portman does such a great job. Her character is very crazy, at times i didnt know what was real and what was not. Its a good movie but I think what makes the movie great is her acting.

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